Crown Lightweight Picket top – to fit into 65 x 16
These castings are a tight fit and knock into both 75 x 16 and 65 x 16.They are not noticeable in the tube and can be powdercoated
These castings are a tight fit and knock into both 75 x 16 and 65 x 16.They are not noticeable in the tube and can be powdercoated
These castings are a tight fit and knock into both 75 x 16 and 65 x 16.They are not noticeable in the tube and can be powdercoated
This aluminium picket top is the Windsor design.It is 106 x 80 and fits inside 65 x 16 square edge aluminium tube
This casting fits inside 65 x 16 The casting protrudes above the top of the tube.
This half round casting fits inside square edge 65 x 16 aluminium tube.
The Regency picket top fits inside 75 x 16 tube.It is an old heritage design.It fits neatly inside 75 x 16 tube and looks good when powdercoated
The Windsor 50 x 10 picket top fits into 50 x 10 tube.It looks very impressive when powdercoated on a fence panel