Before and After Chatterton Lacework Images
Images of Before and After.These images will hopefully assist when considering if a product will be suitable for your project
Images of Before and After.These images will hopefully assist when considering if a product will be suitable for your project
Clover Lacework is a traditional old style of lacework that looks at home on any new heritage style property or a heritage cottage built in 1880.It is available in two sizes and is available in a large range of heritage colours. The free flowing design of this lacework has made this design a very popular design of lace.
Price as per lace catalogue
The ever popular Clover design can be modified to fit different sizes of verandah posts as shown on this image
Small Clover is a traditional old style lace suited to low verandahs. It looks at home on new style verandahs and equally at home on old heritage properties. It is a perfect match when used in conjunction with the large clover on a terrace
Small Clover Lacework is an excellent style of lacework for an older style of home,or a traditional Victorian home with height restrictions on the verandah. It looks good when used in conjunction with the large clover on a terrace home.