The Traditional Queenslander

The quintessential Queenslander is of all timber construction with a corrugated iron roof. They are all high set single storey dwellings with a characteristic veranda that extends around the house to varying extents but never entirely surrounds it. In later years, many have been renovated to enclose part or all of these verandahs to create…


All New Rosemary Small Lacework

The Rosemary small lacework is a classic design of lacework. This design is a popular single sided heritage design of lacework dating back as far as 1860.The Small Rosemary lace is smaller than the Rosemary Lacework and looks at home on any new property as it does on a property built in 1860.

Chatterton Heritage Iron Lacework Restoration

The Iron lacework on two storey Victorian Filigree terraces were often built of stone and reflected the “standard” terrace type pattern commonly found in  Melbourne and  Sydney, with a single span iron lace balcony, arched openings to ground floor and squared lintels to the first floor. As housing developed in Australia, verandas became important as…
