All aluminium picket and brick pillar letterboxes

All Aluminium letterboxes manufactured by Chatterton Lacework include the versatile Brunswick Design.This letterboxe, including the traditional round top Royal Park design include a lock and key and are available powdercoated in a range of traditional colours. They are easily installed on commercial properties as they are in timber and steel picket fences, wire and colorbond…


Melbourne based Chatterton Lacework discuss Heritage lacework and iron lace in Geelong, Queenscliffe, Ballarat and Bendigo

Heritage lacework and iron lacework in Geelong, Queenscliffe, Ballarat and Bendigo are among  those regional heritage cities that definitely punch above there weight when it comes to heritage properties and terraces. These cities have some excellent examples of both double and single storey terrace housing that display their own regional variation and flavour. Some of…


Images of Australian Heritage Cast Iron

Registrations of designs of lacework , balustrade panels and other cast iron pieces of architecture began in 1870. However many designs were made earlier than this period and used on many buildings. The commonwealth designs act became effective after federation in early 1907. Design registrations were incorporated into the commonwealth register, these were from all…
