Aluminium Caps – internal fit – to fit 38 x 25, 30 x 30, 50 x 25,
These aluminium castings are knock in castings.They are tapered to remain tight in the tube,assuming the tube is the correct wall thickness.
These aluminium castings are knock in castings.They are tapered to remain tight in the tube,assuming the tube is the correct wall thickness.
These castings are a tight fit and knock into both 75 x 16 and 65 x 16.They are not noticeable in the tube and can be powdercoated
These castings are a tight fit and knock into both 75 x 16 and 65 x 16.They are not noticeable in the tube and can be powdercoated
The Gable Picket tops are a flat top casting available to fit into 75 x 16.Other than fencing these castings are used for window shutters and furniture
This is a flat top knock in picket top to fit into 65 x 16 and 75 x 16.This picket top is manufactured in aluminium.
Windsor Picket tops are manufactured to fit the round edge 75×16 steel tube.The windsor design is also available to fit 65 x 16 aluminium tube and also to fit inside 5o x 10 steel and aluminium tube
The Soverign picket top fits inside 75 x 16 tube.It is slightly wider and higher than the Windsor design picket,however it is the same Windsor profile.
The Soverign picket top fits inside 65 x 16 tube.It is slightly wider and higher than the Windsor design picket,however it is the same Windsor profile.
This casting fits inside 65 x 16 The casting protrudes above the top of the tube.
This is one of two flat top pickets to fit inside 75 x 16 tube .Theye fit neatly in the tube and are easily powdercoated.
This is a picket top to fit inside 50 x 10 This casting has a gable top and looks like timber
The round top moon picket top fits into 75 x 16 tube.It has been used on large scale fencing including sporting ovals
This casting fits inside 50 x 10 tube.It does look good when powdercoated on fence panels.
The Osborne picket top fits inside 75 x 16 tube.It is a heritage style picket that looks good when powdercoated on the tube
This half round casting fits inside square edge 65 x 16 aluminium tube.